Malcolm Alan Compitello


Spanish 501

Fall 2008


August 27

  1. The COH lab and how to work here
  2. Beginning to plan your presence on the web what you will need to know and how we will teach it to you.
  3. Introduction to the Course: Me and the Profession

Please check out for information about workshops on using Dreamweaver and other technology in your classes available at You are required to attend each of the two workshops, which are offered on several occasions as as they will provide the basis for being able to complete the website requirements for the class.

September 3

Ten things I don't understand about this!
An introduction to the art of being a graduate student

  1. Bring to class in electronic and written form a 30-50 word statement about yourself to go on the "about me" section of your web page. We will do peer editing in class. If you have not yet used it try out the comments feature on MS Word. It is what I will introduce in class as a way of commenting on papers.
  2. Bring a list of ten questions you have about graduate school, the department, your degree program, etc. to discuss in class.

September 10

What am I going to do and where am I going to do it?

Before class today, compare the web pages for following institutions of higher learning--paying particular attention to the pages devoted to the Spanish programs:  University of Kentucky, College of Charleston, Rutgers, California State University, Fresno, Boise State University, Ripon College, Indiana University, Johns Hopkins, Yale, University of Oregon.

Be prepared to answer the following questions in class:

  1. Into what kinds of categories could you organize these institution of higher education?
  2. What are the commonalities and differences?
  3. What impact do you think the commonalities and differences would have on you if you worked there?

The importance of the C.V. for your professional development

The Curriculum Vitae is basically your warehouse of academic and professional information. You can organize it in any number of ways. Many of you will not have information to place into some of these categories at the moment . . .but you will eventually.

  1. Bring to class today a word file that has your draft c.v. on it we will do some peer editing.

September 17

  • The place of writing  in your professional development
  • Why we write and how to write better
  • How to recognize good writing Writing for publication, beginning the process--From idea to print and all the steps in between
  • Writing and the research agenda.
  1. Review the MLA Style Manual Chapters 1, 2 and 5.
  2. Before class today you should have read Herzberger, David, "Narrating the Past. History and the Novel of Memory in Postwar Spain." PMLA 106 (1991): 153-173." and should be prepared to answer the following question in class, What makes this article a good piece of writing?
  3. Identify another research paper that you have found well written and useful in your own research.
  4. By Tuesday September 10 send me as an email attachement a copy of a paper you have done for another class. This will be the paper you will use as the basis for your writing projects in class. Make sure your name is on every page of the attached document.

back to top of organization

September 24

Writing and your professional personna

Finding a conference, finding a journal

  1. Working with a partner find the following: A graduate student conference at which you could present a paper and a regional or national conference at which you could present a paper, a graduate student journal in which you could publish your research, three professional journals in your field which look like interesting places to publish your research. each group should send me this information in an email attachment by Monday September 23. Make sure your names are on the attached document.

  2. Be prepared to discuss the following: what are the requirements to submit work to the conference and journal? What are the deadlines? Why did you make the choices you did?

October 1

The Alpha and the Omega:  From abstract to bibliography and Funding

  • Crafting an abstract
  • Crafting a cover letter
  1. By Monday September 29 send me a draft abstract for your conference presentation as an email attachment, making sure that your name is on the attached document. It should be no more than 250 words. We will work on peer editing them today. Also send me as an email attachment a draft of what you think a cover letter to accompany your abstract should look like.


October 8

Sometimes it does grow on trees:  How to find grants and how to write one

You can find information about how to write a grant proposal here.

Write a draft of your proposal--skipping for now the research review--and bring it to class we will do some peer editing and general discussion of how to put a proposal together. By Monday October 6 send me your draft as an email attachment. Make sure your name is on every page.


October 15

Web design review

By the beginning of class today you should have enrolled and completed the two sessions on web design offered by the College of Humanities. You a general conception of the design for your web space and how to put it together. The general requirements are available on the individual projects page. Click on the link to the left. You should also know how you want to put your c.v. on your web page as an html document or as an adobe pdf document. David will work with you today on thinking about how to best organize that space and deal with concerns you might have in the light of the workshops and your experiements.

October 22

Introduction to using the resources available at the University of Arizona Library

Class today will be taught by Ping Situ, Librarian, in the Information Commons Classroom


October 29

Putting it all together: research (the research agenda), teaching and service, community outreach

For this class you should review the MLA Style Manual, Chapter 5.

November 5

Another piece of the pie:  the book review and how to write it.

By the beginning of class you should have completed reading the book you were assigned to review and read the handout on writing a book review which you can find here. Bring questions you have about writing the review to class today.

November 12

An Introduction to Virtual Reality--Second Life 101

We will begin to explore your experiences with Second Life and to evaluate what you have gleaned from your experience as a Newbie and what you think the applications of it are for your own research and teaching.

November 19

Introduction to using the resources available at the University of Arizona Library II

Using RefWorks and other research tools to document your research.

Class today will be taught by Ping Situ, Librarian, in the Information Commons Classroom

November 26

Web page Tune Up

This is compensatory time for attending the web page work shops. You can use it to consult with David if you need the time.

December 3

MLA Bibliographic Formats

Class today will be based primarily on the MLA Style Manual Chapters 6 and 7. By the start of class today you should have begun to familiarize yourself with how the MLA Bibliography works and sent me the answers to the following as an attachment. Make sure your name is every page. The bibliographical exercise that will form part of your portfolio is based on this information as well. See the page dedicated to individual projects.

Bibliographic exercise 1

Bibliography 2

Make sure you know what parentetical documentation is and how to do it.

December 10

Webs and Virtual Realities

Each student will display his or her web page.

We will venture to the UofA Island and hold a virtual class there


At the end of class today all work for the semester is due.


Course Policies
Individual Projects
Group Projects
Evaluation and Grading
Primary Source Readings
Secondary Source Readings
Email Me