Experimental Ultrasound and Neural Imaging Laboratory Photoacoustic Imaging
Experimental Ultrasound and Neural Imaging Laboratory Photoacoustic Imaging

Electrode Array Imaging Video
Click for Video:
Electrode Array Imaging
of Cat Auditory Cortex


Muscle Strain Imaging Video
Click for Video:
Muscle Strain Imaging

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Photoacoustic Imaging: Slide 2
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The University of Arizona Health Sciences Center Department of Radiology

Neural disorders ranging from brain cancer to Parkinson’s to epilepsy would greatly benefit from new diagnostic tools that noninvasively detect biomarkers linked to abnormal tissue.

Photoacoustic imaging is emerging as a viable complement to the most popular modalities. With real-time 3-D capability, contrast based on optical absorption, and sub-mm spatial resolution, photoacoustic imaging offers attractive attributes for imaging biological tissue. When a near-infrared (NIR) laser source is used, it has an added benefit of excellent penetration into biological tissue of several centimeters.

Experimental Ultrasound and Neural Imaging Laboratory