The following page outlines course expectations. If you have any questions about these policies, please feel free to contact me.

participation & attendance


technology responsibilities

major assignments

late work

academic honesty

disability accommodations

Your participation and attendance are crucial to a successful and productive graduate seminar on spatial & visual rhetorics.

Your participation will include all daily preparations for class including completion of course readings and notetaking on those readings. All class members should be prepared to discuss their own interpretations of class readings and engage in the class facilitation days.

I encourage you to do outside reading and bring your own administrative, scholarly, and teacherly experiences to bear on our class discussions. I anticipate vigorous exchanges and intellectual challenge for all of us. Healthy disagreement on readings is not discouraged but lack of engagement or dismissal of one another's ideas is.


You may miss only one course session of our weekly meetings. Please be advised that I make no distinction between excused and unexcused absences. In the event of a family emergency, serious illness, or other situation, please speak with me as soon as possible.

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Peer collaboration is encouraged in our course. In fact, your course facilitation project is a collaborative project, and our seminar event is a thoroughly collaborative in its presentation. In addition to formal collaborations and class discussions, I highly recommend that you form study groups and consider different ways the readings can be interpreted. In particular, you should look for instantiations of the spatial and visual theories we are reading. This exchange in the form of discussion and examples can enrich the classroom experience for all of us.

Finally, each class member should respect the working style and efforts of others. The classroom is a place to explore ideas, challenge our own ways of thinking, and engage one another. For the betterment of all of us, foster collegial relationships and help strengthen one another's ideas through vigorous exchange.

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You will be asked to use Microsoft Word to prepare some components of your assignments. This technology requirement will allow for easier exchange and collection of course facilitation agendas and other documents. I also know that Word is available for your use in CCIT 236 and other campus computing labs. In addition to using Word, you will need to have frequent access to an email account. You will be required to send email messages to the listserv and to me and your peers. You also will be asked to send email attachments of Word or other files when necessary.

Besides frequent use of Word and email, you should familiarize yourself with web page development and use, online library databases, image editing software, MOO's, Blogs, and other technologies available to you through campus computing.

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You must complete all major assignments and create required supporting materials in order to pass the course. To emphasize both theory and practice, you will develop two major assignments: 1) course facilitation project and 2) a seminar event.

course facilitation project
You and a peer partner will facilitate a course session. This facilitation will allow you to put into practice the theories that we are reading in class. The project also offers you an opportunity to hone your teaching and presenting skills. The project consists of a pre-facilitation conference with me, the submission of an email course agenda to our class listserv, the creation of a course agenda, and location of example(s) that instantiate the course readings.

seminar event project
Through both individual and collaborative efforts, the seminar event will be planned and executed by members of our class. Each member will create an individual component for the event. In addition, all members of the class will work collaborative to ensure that the individual components come together into a meaningful whole. The resulting "event"--where the individual components are presented--may take on many possible forms, but the goal of the event is to introduce UA writing teachers to spatial and visual frameworks that can be integrated into their English 102 writing courses. This seminar event is meant to serve two purposes: 1) instantiation of the theories you have read and 2) engagement with a broader audience outside our own classroom. We will be working closely with Anne-Marie Hall, Director of the UA Writing Program, and Chris Minnix, Assistant Director of the UA Writing Program to ensure the planned event is successful. Important note: I have purposefully left the project description open to your collective interpretation. I want the event to be led by your own explorations and guided by the audience considerations and needs of your other teacher colleagues here at UA.

These projects and grading of them is discussed in more detail on the course projects page. I hope you take these projects as an opportunity to further investigate issues in our class readings. If at any point, you would like to discuss your ideas for project development, please don't hesitate to make an appointment.

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All major assignments and their support materials are due on the dates listed on our course schedule. In certain cases, I am willing to renegotiate a due date for your work--this renegotiation does not, however, apply to your collaborative work with your peers.

In the event of an emergency or if you anticipate an absence that cannot be prevented, please contact me.

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academic honesty
You are expected to cite, in MLA format, any resources that you use in the development of your course assignments. If you have any questions about citing resources, please don't hesitate to ask me.

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Students with disabilities who require reasonable accommodations are encouraged to contact me via email or during my office hours.

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last updated 8.8.8

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