Darren’s Ideas Regarding the Afterlife

I believe wholeheartedly in life after death. I feel that there are two sides to life here on earth. First, there is the physical side. That is basically the body in which we live. Then, there is also the spiritual side of life. This is the soul that is born in and then a part of our bodies.

The body obviously is born, lives, and then dies. But the soul lives on forever. While the soul is a part of the body, it experiences both the goods and the bads of life. It is born and then grows with the body. During this time the soul will experience all sorts of things. It will experience pleasant things such as love and happiness. It will also experience negative things such as pain and betrayal. This continues for many years until the body eventually ceases to exist.

But the soul, as I said, continues to live. It goes on to some sort of place of afterlife such as Heaven. From then on I feel that it continues to exist in happiness. But the reason that it can exist like this is because of what it experienced when it was in physical form on earth. These past physical experiences make the soul realize and appreciate what it has in the afterlife. And when the soul comes to this understanding, then true and immortal happiness is obtained. These are my beliefs as a young, Jewish man.

Darren's Page, Continued.