Steroids and Other Drugs in Sports
(Ch. 18)
  1. Why? 1) athletes are role models - when drugs are used by these athletes there is concern that impressionable young people will see drug use in a more positive light, 2) may give users an unfair edge, and 3) users of these drugs may be endangering their health and perhaps their lives for the sake of a temporary burst of power or speed
  1. Early Greeks and Aztecs may have used drugs similar to stimulants
  2. In the 1800s and early 1900s three stimulants used by athletes were strychnine, cocaine and caffeine
  3. Amphetamines were reportedly used by soccer players, boxers, cyclists, and speed skaters - it seemed to be the ideal ergogenic (energy-producing) drug for both training and competition
  4. As a result of the death of cyclist Tommy Simpson at the 1967 Tour de France, the International Olympic Committee in 1968 established rules requiring the disqualification of any competitor who refuses to take a drug test or who is found guilty of using banned drugs
  5. The National Football League banned amphetamines in 1971, although they were not difficult to obtain. Current NFL policy restricts all use of amphetamnes, as well as many other drugs, no matter where they are obtained
  6. Soviet athletes reportedly used testosterone at the 1956 Olympics - this helps men and women to become stronger since they gain more muscle mass
  7. By the 1960s American and British track and field athletes were using anabolic steroids (usually synthetic hormones promoting constructive metabolism). These drugs were not officially banned, nor were they tested for in international competition until the early 1970s, mainly because a sensitive urine test was not yet available
  8. Professional U.S. athletes were being sent for treatment of cocaine dependency in the 1980s
  1. Determining an exact cause and effect connection is difficult - experiments on these drugs can never prove that a drug has no effect - you might have done a hundred experiments and not used the right dose or the right test
  2. The conclusions from a 1959 double-blinded study indictaed that athletes (high endurance and strength) performed better using amphetamine - bu the improvement was small (however, this could be the difference between 1st and 6th place)
  3. Under laboratory conditions caffeine has been shown to improve performance. Small amounts of caffeine are acceptable in most sports (but a urine concentration of 12 micrograms/mL will lead to disqualification in may competitions)
  4. The effects of cocaine on performance have not been tested (but we know that their stimulant properties are similar to amphetamine)
  1. Anabolic steroids increase muscle mass and various internal organs, control body fat distribution, and increase bone synthesis and calcium in bone
  2. In the 1950s, drug companies synthesized various anabolic steroids that have fewer of the androgenic (masculinizing) effects and more anabolic effects than testosterone.
  3. Well-controlled studies of steroid use on strength and muscle mass are nonexistent
  4. What is not so clear is the effeect of adding additional anabolic stimulation to adolescent or adult males who already have high circulating levels of testosterone
  5. The effects of steroids may be due to an "active placebo effect," with a belief in the power of steroids, enhanced by the clear sensation that the drug is doing something because you can "feel" it.
  6. Psychological effects, including a stimulant-like "high" and increased aggressiveness, might be beneficial for inceasing the amount of work done during training and for increasing the intensity of effort during competition.
  7. Psychological depence develops in some users, who feel well when they are on the steroids but become depressed when they are off them
  8. Steroid users report a manic rage referred to as "roid rage" - violent feelings and actions among steroid users
  9. In young users who have not attained their full height, these steroids can cause the premature closing of the epiphyseal plates of long bones, thus limiting their adult height
  10. Side effects for all users include blood cysts in the liver, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, and heart disease
  11. Steroids dramatically increase muscle growth and masculine characteristics in women
  1. To compete as women, some males may take female sex hormones to feminize them
  2. Hormone receptor blocking drugs delay puberty, and this is an advantage to female gymnasts
  3. Human growth hormones may increase height and weight
  4. There is clear evidence that Creatine helps to regenerate ATP, which provides more energy for muscle contractions
  5. The Omnibus Crime Control Act of 1990 placed anabolic steroids on the list of controlled substances and also made it a crime to distribute human growth hormone for nonmedical purposes