Due: Tuesday, January 27, 1998

Answer all questions per unit, unless instructed to choose. The best answers will refer to assigned readings and classroom lectures or discussion. Do not hesitate to use our classes listserv: to help you formulate your ideas and to ask questions of me or your pee rs.

Assignments are due as indicated. Do not ask for extensions or makeups. Remember you must complete five of the assigned options to earn the full 250 points.

Be sure to indicate the reflection number in the heading of your paper and follow other expectations for format and writing criteria.

Reflection One - Unit 1: Music and Supernatural Power

In approximately 500 words describe an example from your own experience where music was used to enhance human power. Describe as precisely as possible the kind of music, the setting, and the people involved. Note what specific characteristics of the music seemed most responsible for the effects you describe. Write about details. Perhaps the most effective feature of the music was the insistent dance beat, the repetitive drum patterns, the lilting waltz-rhythm, the soothing melody, the mellow saxophone solo, the throaty growls of the lead singer, the biting brass responses, and so on.

Does your experience connect to any of the situations you read about in the assigned material for this unit? Explain.