Janet Nicol, Ph. D.
Associate Professor, Departments of Linguistics and Psychology, University of Arizona
Faculty, Cognitive Science Program, University of Arizona


Psychology 325. Cognitive Psychology. (See catalog description).
Linguistics/Philosophy/Psychology 532. Psychology of Language. Introduction to the processes underlying speech production and comprehension: speech sounds, words, parsing, semantics and pragmatics.
Psychology 596f. (or Ling696).  Seminar. Language Processing in the Bilingual. This course surveys experimental findings concerning how language is produced and comprehended in the second language learner and bilingual. Typically, this covers speech perception, lexical processing, and sentence processing.
Psychology/Linguistics 199-699. Independent Study. "Learn by doing"--Students who would like to learn more about research through laboratory assistance or by conducting independent research may sign up for course credit (typically 1-6 credits over 1-2 semesters).
Psychology/Linguistics 594. Practicum. Aimed at graduate students who would like "hands-on" laboratory experience, they sign up for a 3-credit laboratory "apprenticeship". The three credits may be distributed across two semesters.
Linguistics 696F. Sentence Processing. Overview of current experimental research in sentence parsing and production, and theoretical models of these processes. Topics include modular vs. interactive models of processing, processing in aphasia, processing by bilinguals and second language learners.