
Frances Sjoberg:



    ou le blé même, nait del gourmandise

    where wheat itself is born of want 


from “Man Ray” by Paul Eluard


 Divorce a thing of color

and perfume from its color and its perfume—the lily.

A composition presented in negative.  The white

patterned background of foliage. 


Go back further, to the conviction—a certain

amount of contempt for the material is indispensable

to its realization, more or less.  More or less,

the violation ensues.  The shadowed petals fold back.


The current:  lightsource.

The undisturbed ashes of an object

consumed by flames.  The blossoms in

various stages of rupture and devotion. 


pistil:           style and stigma

stamen:      filament, anther


In patterned light through moiré


Stripes dark down from breast to belly

This darling adorned in bangles

Her hipless drift, a stroke and curve into shadow


shift to the side : a  view from the right


The left hand set on a plate of glass, reflected


sway of wrist, gently sloping line


As if one could actually reach through



one's own fingertips         One's own soul


The tempered light of moiré,


Distinct in its fray.


From behind from the right the shadow cast


between the face and the brink.  And the

face, plunged in light, holds no somber.


Delineate the fact of her figure

within: peak and tilt of her tint-

ed lips, a shine from the lower;

eyes steadily laze into the rift,


a gaze obscured by the curve of arm muscle.  Ease back,


relax into your binder, your wave oyster

grey; submerge your tuck, your self self-framing.


When St. Augustine touches something smooth, he thinks of music

and God.  When I think of music and God, it is the gnarls, scores,


and sinewy folds of the walnut.   The visionary said of the Capriccio—the piano and the orchestra, two shells of a walnut.  (Sweet flesh, pithy shell.)  Apparition


of form emerging, busty lady in her bustier.  The infraction of light.  (The shell

cracks.)  (The gnarls emerge.)  The upper angles of a drapeless window. 


Scored flesh.


She reaches up, hands splayed, to frame her face

Edge of the fabric, mimetic wall

Edge of the flesh, sympathetic wall


The patterned holes of the mesh

The emergence of the flesh, mosaic

Tiny buttons, or no

Mosaic, hundreds of tiny nail-heads

            Edge of exposure, wall of eschatology

A face of tiny nails, a head transformed


Is born of instinct, perhaps.

Or perhaps it is coercion—

tracks, leading on—

rails alongside—

horizontal running.


Unseen, the steam

or smoke pulls back.

The train bursts forth

blindly heading north by

tracks, captive of some compass.


 First, the impact of sound on psyche

and then the dazzling timbre, the slope,

burnished metal, to replicate what is fluid.

Hence contact with the source: 

An alloy ball in an alloy ring

In a bowl

In a bowl


edge of discovery, wall of constraint


white band on black stone


entangled white veins on gray stone


bruise on smooth stone


the mar will swell; it will recede


(This poem first appeared in Sonora Review.)



These pages last modified September 2, 2007.
