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a shifting collection of poems by POG members, POG guest artists, & poets we admire . . .

(to find poems that have vanished from this page, see our Poetry Archive)

 scroll down to read all the poems, or click to jump to work by:

Maggie Golston

Mia McDonald

Dlyn Parra

Tim Peterson

Jesse Seldess

more poems coming soon . . . .

Maggie Golston

History Chanty


(click here for the text of this long poem)



Mia McDonald

Faithfulness Constraint


Each faithfulness constraint expresses one aspect of the requirement that surface forms must be faithful to the underlying form. – Roca and Johnson, A Course in Phonology



That death occurs

after birth


That spasms

of generalities

like love and pain

will be equal

only to themselves


when you burn

the water will be hot

or cold but only

in regards to your skin


the language of prayer

must be spoken by the tongue

and so changes from

beginning to



the spasm of the womb,

the spasm of the heart

pushes you forth or

strikes you from behind



II.  Faith (PLACE)


You can change your place. 

You can take those windows, those white paneled brass bound windows that swelled in the humid summers and pack them on your back and carry them through the mud lined highways all the way out to the thorn crossed sun sucked desert where you lay them out in the sand and feel your shoulders begin to

 break, crack, and bleed.


And the cry of my condemned soul was great

and could not be satisfied,

but breathed and thirsted after Christ,

to save me freely through His blood

or I perished for ever.

            -William Dewsbury, Faith and Practice


To find comfort

in the grain of rosary beads,

in the shape of my tongue

folding against itself

to form the Words of God.

Those gilded sounds

mingling with my own

flawed breath

should fill my mouth

with some mercurial comfort

and spill out into the sky.


Body of Christ…

to hold faith just below my thoughts

within the soft tissues of my

dark mouth,

feel it dissolve into my veins.

To fill my nostrils with incense,

Saturate my body with the holy,

with the unquestioned


Blood of Christ…

Does it taste like the iron

of nails and rust?

Can the strength of His shoulders

support those high arched beams

the cracking paint and worn

wooden pews?  My muscles should

ache with that weight.


Can the reaching space above me

contain my doubt

Or do I need those buttresses,

Stained glass glow,

watchful eyes of martyrs,

and rooms with lattice


windows to smooth

my wrinkled soul, inflate my spirit

beyond the tight confines

of my fat, muscle and skin 

into some larger silence,

the sacred pause between breaths,

before the last breath.


And yet

my tongue remains still.

My nails are bitten and torn,

blood seeping to the surface

tastes of salt, loam,

and wine.



Dlyn Parra

Season the Disjunctive




Of course the prerequisite gathering

of air, of thoughts, of scenes

from the bed and the door

galvanize into the next utterance.

What more could they do?


The slam of space, tongue-tip

to lip arch over arm into

fingers curled clenched then

collapsed slack-jawed thickened

like gelatin or stomach ease

tea left too long alone in the heat.


The released summation

doesn't decide whether

the comforter's down will be clung

to or the airport's

delivery service will misplace

the suitcase only the

waiting room whisper forming.


Temples hover between newly

destructed holes uptight their

blackened streaks quiver like

snakes side-wise. Foreheads

interrupted reposition

to eastern pillow and a puzzled

goat bleats to follow along.


A radio station tunes in, the

current pop hit plays, a windy,

kind of breathy song.










as this, read you




Re-snuggle. A roll.

A side on tipping.

Source heat current my


warming, my whirring

forced to contrast in

soothing. Muse my ease


indrawn. Surprising. A him

different. A desired

confusion. Distance required.


A rim full very

round very touched just

glistening just seems...


of her lips drinking.

Sense her purpose yes.

Asked, I did no him.


Easy forgetful.

Should another ask

this hour as dream.


Radiance impending.









as this, read another




Rising for a reason, a there

is, itself sidesteps mind. A glance,

a swallow, a wrong

be as right. Investigate! Or part


the way as such in coalescing.

Multitudes. Nodes. Marching

steadily. Others, the clasp, the

lingering, the waking fond


of lines.  Clandestine

interludes bring a moistening

a force of throat against

tongue of turn.


Each wants delineations linear.

Activates to drawing veils,

shadowy. Gears shift

line-drawn minds, irreversibly.


Before form before palm slatted

and squared the flame, innocence danced

light circles and  contrasts

as now, tightly held. As this, constricted.   







Tim Peterson





The grotesque imbalance of powers fuels my morning walk: azaleas, blue phlox, curbside junk. The careers of several generals winding up in the "cult status" bin, partially on account of the long night and a Lexus SUV. Part the mysterious foliage of a potted plant in the company hallway.


No harbingers, no gusts of atrocious statement. We are a free country, and in that dialysis we derive our nutrients from unfair advantage, not unlike arm-wrestling in gale-force winds. The occult language denied to me by my ancestry will emerge in news photos of the battered and the dead.


Fringe benefits. Cola. I had to try on an appearance I wore in the recesses of a dream. In the dream there was a private anchor, and I sat on top of it and rode it out of the water up onto the boat. The vessel of our sleeping company lurches forward, flank or wing.


The people around you, brain-dead though they find their polls, learn you a thing or two. In practice, the arms of the republic should embrace those who differ in hair color, build, or perception. A sequined dress, barren angle in the new world, apotheosis of corona and self-stink.


Wink. The news carried us into the souped-up sand dunes. Partially, I grow nostalgic for the intimacy of a nape, but this timidity runs fallow under rifles and manpower. I did not side with the victors. I did not lose my change on the wrong bet, rusted machines of the hard-of-hearing government.


Jesse Seldess




(click here for the text of this long poem)



These pages last modified September 2, 2007.
