


Elizabeth Robinson

Jaime Robles

Michelle Auerbach

Susanne Dyckman

Catherine Wagner


Saturday, October 14, 7pm,


Dinnerware Gallery

101 W. 6th Street

Admission: $5; Students $3


Elizabeth Robinson is the author of eight books of poetry, most recently Under That Silky Roof from Burning Deck Press.  A winner of the National Poetry Series, the Fence Modern Poets Prize and two Gertrude Stein Awards for Innovative Contemporary Poetry, Robinson also co-edits EtherDome Chapbooks, 26 Magazine, and Instance Press. She teaches at the University of Colorado in Boulder.

Jaime Robles writes text for both musical and visual settings. Her recent artist's books include Loup d'Oulipo and Appropriated Love. She has published work in Conjunctions, First Intensity, Five Fingers Review, Luna, New American Writing, and Volt, among others. She is currently the editor and publisher of Five Fingers Review, and she teaches in the Writing & Consciousness Program at New College of California, San Francisco.

Susanne Dyckman is the author of two chapbooks and most recently a collection of poetry, Equilibrium's Form from Shearsman Books. Her poems have been published in several journals, including 26, First Intensity and Switchback.

Catherine Wagner has published two books of poems, Macular Hole (Fence 2004) and Miss America (Fence 2001), and many chapbooks. Her poems, reviews, and essays appear regularly in magazines on both sides of the Atlantic; recent work can be found in Black Clock, Five Fingers Review, Fourteen Hills, The Hat, New Review, and Superflux. She teaches at Miami University in Ohio.

Michelle Auerbach's poetry and prose have been published in many venues, most recently Van Gogh's Ear, Bombay Gin, Xcp, and Chelsea. She is the author of a historical novella, Alice Modern (2005 Excessive Poetics Press), and a contributor to Jennifer Heath's forthcoming anthology, The Veil. She teaches in Boulder, Colorado.

& coming up November 18:

poet Sheila Murphy & poet/artist Barbara Henning            








POG 2006-07:


October 14: poets Elizabeth Robinson, Jaime Robles, Susanne Dyckman, Michelle Auerbach, Catherine Wagner (these writers will also be presenting papers at the Rocky Mountain MLA Convention in Tucson)


November 18: poet Sheila Murphy and poet/artist Barbara Henning


February 17: filmmaker Pablo Toledo and  . . . TBA


March 17: writer Cristina Rivera Garza and poet Brent Cunningham


March 31: poet Harryette Mullen (this event will begin at 5pm); Harryette Mullen will also present a paper Saturday morning as part of the Arizona Quarterly Annual Symposium)


April 7: poets Cynthia Hogue and Hoa Nguyen


all events take place Saturday evenings, 7pm, at Dinnerware Gallery, 101 W 6th Street,

in Tucson's Downtown Arts District, unless otherwise noted

Harryette Mullen's appearance is co-sponsored by The Arizona Quarterly, The University of Arizona Poety Center, and Chax Press


Alice Notley's appearance is co-sponsored by The University of Arizona Poetry Center and Chax Press

POG events are sponsored in part by grants from the Tucson/Pima Arts Council, the Arizona Commission on the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Arts. POG also benefits from the continuing support of The University of Arizona Poetry Center, the Arizona Quarterly, Chax Press, and The University of Arizona Department of English


Thanks to our current and recent Patrons and Sponsors:


bullet Corporate Patrons Buffalo Exchange and GlobalEye Systems
bullet Individual Patrons Millie Chapin, Elizabeth Landry, Tony Luebbermann, Allison Moore, Liisa Phillips, Jessica Thompson, and Rachel Traywick
bullet Corporate Sponsors Antennae a Journal of Experimental Poetry and Music/Performance, Bookman’s, Chax Press, Jamba Juice, Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions, Kore Press, Macy’s, Reader’s Oasis, and Zia Records
bullet Individual Sponsors Gail Browne, Suzanne Clores, Sheila Murphy, and Desiree Rios


We're also grateful to hosts and programming partners

·         Casa Libre en La Solana Inn & Guest House

·         Dinnerware Contemporary Arts gallery

·         Las Artes Center





for further information contact

POG: 615-7803, pog@gopog.org



These pages last modified September 2, 2007.
