



 Members of the

POG Collective

Saturday, October 5, 8pm

Orts Theatre of Dance, 121 East 7th Street


Admission: $5; Students $3



Charles Alexander

Rachel McCrystal

Brian Blanchfield

Tenney Nathanson

Dan Featherston

Matt Rotando

Andrew  Foster

Jonathan Vanballenberghe

Maggie Golston

Jason Zuzga




please note unusual start time of 8pm!

           POG events are sponsored in part by grants from

the Tucson/Pima Arts Council and

the Arizona Commission on the Arts

 POG also benefits from the continuing support of The University of Arizona Extended University Writing Works Center, The University of Arizona Department of English, The University of Arizona Poetry Center, the Arizona Quarterly, and Chax Press.


for further information contact







 Charles Alexander directs Chax Press.  His Near or Random Acts will be out from Wild Honey Press, in Ireland, in early 2003.  An exhibition of his work opens October 9 at University of the Redlands (Redlands, CA).  He is currently teaching at Pima College.

 Brian Blanchfield has poems published in current or eventual issues of Volt, Agni, The Literary Review, Slope, and Fort Necessity. He moved to Tucson Tuesday night and is teaching a workshop slash seminar called "Chance and Constraint" at the U of A Poetry Center beginning October 13.  His home back home is in Brooklyn, New York.

 Dan Featherston edits A.BACUS.  His work has appeared or is forthcoming in various journals, including Chain, Chicago Review, New American Writing, Ploughshares, and Talisman. Chapbooks include Rooms (1998), Anatomies (1998), 26 Islands (1999), and The Clock Maker's Memoir:  1-12 (2002).  A chapbook is forthcoming from Quarry Press.

 Andrew Foster has lived in Tucson a year and two months. He is from Vermont. He has recently completed a manuscript of poetry titled Light on the Object. He is at work on a novel, and plans to start an MFA in fiction next fall.

 Maggie Golston’s manuscript, About a Red Mouth, was a finalist in several contests this year; it won none of them. She says she didn't cry about being a bridesmaid always ands never a bride, no! She opened BIBLIO instead, a new Independent new and used bookstore on Congress. She would like you all to come visit. Her poems are forthcoming in Spork.

 Rachel McCrystal's work has recently appeared in poethis and sandscript.  She is the assistant editor of A.BACUS and an English and theater student at the University of Arizona.

Tenney Nathanson is the author of Whitman’s Presence (NYU Press), The Book of Death (Membrane Press), One Block Over (Chax Press), and the forthcoming Erased Art (Chax Press).  He’ll be reading from a nearly completed book-length poem in progress, Home on the Range.

 Matt Rotando received his MFA in Poetry from Brooklyn College in 1999.  He is now working towards a Master's Degree in English Literature at the University of Arizona.  Before coming to Tucson, he spent 9 months living in Sri Lanka, working on a manuscript of poems that is still in progress, "The Comeback's Exoskeleton."  This summer he rode his bicycle from Tucson to San Francisco.

 Jonathan VanBallenberghe is taking a year off from teaching middle school English in order to write one young adult novel--Lit Glacier--and one adult novel--The Metaphysical Biography of U Everyman.

 Jason Zuzga was a 2001-2002 Poetry Fellow at the Provincetown Fine Arts Work Center and has work forthcoming in Fence, Volt, and Spork. He has just begun the MFA poetry program at U of A and might be working on a long poem about the Clintons and airplanes.





These pages last modified September 2, 2007.
