Recent Publications (since 1991)

Rogers, J.C., & Rohrbaugh, M. (1991). The SAGE-PAGE trial: Do family genograms make a difference? Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 4, 319-326.

Rogers, J.C., Rohrbaugh, M., & McGoldrick, M. (1992). Can experts predict health risk from family genograms? Family Medicine, 24, 2-10.

Rohrbaugh, M., Rogers, J.C., & McGoldrick, M. (1992). How do experts read family genograms? Family Systems Medicine, 10, 79-90.

Beutler, L.E., Patterson, K.M., Jacob, T., Shoham, V., Yost, E., & Rohrbaugh, M. (1993). Matching treatment to alcoholism subtypes. Psychotherapy, 30, 463-472.

Shoham, V., & Rohrbaugh, M. (1994). Paradoxical interventions. In. R. Corsini (Ed.), Encyclopedia of psychology. New York: Wiley & Sons.

Rohrbaugh, M., & Rogers, J.C. (1994). What did the doctor do? When physicians and patients disagree. Archives of Family Medicine, 3, 125-129.

Galano, J., & Rohrbaugh, M. (1994). Project LINK: Interagency collaboration for perinatal substance abuse. National Mental Health Association Prevention Update, 5, 7-9.

Shoham, V., & Rohrbaugh, M. (1995). Aptitude x treatment interaction (ATI) research: Widening the lens, sharpening the focus. In M. Aveline & D. Shapiro (Eds.), Research foundations for psychotherapy practice (pp. 73-95). Sussex, England: Wiley & Sons.

Shoham, V., Bootzin, R.R., Rohrbaugh, M., & Urry, H. (1995). Paradoxical versus relaxation treatment for insomnia: The moderating role of reactance. Sleep Research, 24a, 365.

Rohrbaugh, M., Shoham, V., & Spungen, C., & Steinglass, P. (1995). Family systems therapy in practice: A systemic couples therapy for problem drinking. In B. Bongar & L. Beutler (Eds.), Comprehensive textbook of psychotherapy: Theory and practice (pp. 228-253). New York: Oxford University Press.

Shoham, V., Rohrbaugh, M, & Patterson, J. (1995). Brief-strategic and solution-focused couples therapy: The MRI and Milwaukee models. In N.S. Jacobson & A.S. Gurman (Eds.), Clinical handbook of couple therapy (pp. 142-163). New York: Guilford Press.

Shoham, V., & Rohrbaugh, M. (1997). Interrupting ironic processes. Psychological Science, 8, 151-153.

Shoham, V., & Rohrbaugh, M. (1997). Promises and perils of empirically supported psychotherapy integration. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 6, 191-206.

Nichols, M.P., & Rohrbaugh, M. (1998). Why do women demand and men withdraw? The role of outside work and family involvements. The Family Journal, 5, 11-119.

Nicklas, J.M., Coyne, J.C., Rohrbaugh, M.J., Cranford, J.A., & Sonnega, J. (1998). The quality of social support predicts 3-year survival among married patients with congestive heart failure. Circulation, 98 (17), 206-206.

Nicklas, J.M., Coyne, J.C., Rohrbaugh, M.J., Cranford, J.A., & Sonnega, J. (1998). Extreme levels of psychological distress among male and female congestive-heart-failure patients but not male spouses. Circulation, 98 (17), 211-211.

Shoham, V., Rohrbaugh, M., Stickle, T., & Jacob, T. (1998). Demand-withdraw interaction moderates response to cognitive-behavioral vs. family-systems therapy for alcoholism. Journal of Family Psychology, 12, 557-577.

Shoham, V., & Rohrbaugh, M. (1999). Beyond allegiance to comparative outcome research. Comment on Luborsky et al. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 61, 120-123.

Shoham, V., & Rohrbaugh, M.J. (2001). Paradoxical Intervention. In W.E. Craighead & C.B. Nemeroff (Eds.), The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science, Vol. III, 3rd edition (pp. 1129-1132). New York: Wiley & Sons.

Rohrbaugh, M.J., & Shoham, V. (2001).  Brief therapy based on interrupting ironic processes:  The Palo Alto model.  Clinical Psychology:  Science and Practice, 8, 66-81.

Rohrbaugh, M.J., Shoham, V., Trost, S., Muramoto, M., Cate, R.M., & Leischow, S. (2001).  Couple-dynamics of change resistant smoking:  Toward a family-consultation model. Family Process, 40, 15-31.

Schoenfeld, J., Snyder, L., Rohrbaugh, M.J., Shoham, V., Stedman, M., &. Ewy, G.A.  (2001).  Couples coping with cardiac rehabilitation:  Gender differences in psychological distress.  Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, 25(5), 312.

Snyder, L., Schoenfeld, J., Rohrbaugh, M.J., Shoham, V., Stedman, M., &. Ewy, G.A.  (2001).  Gender differences in response to phase-II cardiac rehabilitation.  Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, 25(5), 312.

Coyne, J.C., Rohrbaugh, M.J., Shoham, V., Cranford, J.A.,, Nicklas, J.M., & Sonnega, J..  (2001).  Prognostic importance of marital quality for survival of congestive heart failure. American Journal of Cardiology, 88, 526-529.

Rohrbaugh, M.J.,  Shoham, V., & Racioppo, M.W. (2002).  Toward family-level attribute x treatment interaction research.  In H. Liddle, D. Santisteban et al. (Eds.), Family psychology: Science-based intervention, pp. 215-237.  Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Rohrbaugh, M.J., Cranford, J.A., Shoham, V., Nicklas, J.M., Sonnega, J. & Coyne, J.C. (2002).  Couples coping with congestive heart failure: Role and gender differences in psychological distress. Journal of Family Psychology, 16, 3-13.

Shoham, V., & Rohrbaugh, M.J. (2002).  Brief strategic couple therapy.  In A.S. Gurman & N.S. Jacobson (Eds.), Clinical handbook of couple therapy (3rd edition). New York: Guilford Publications.

Rohrbaugh, M.J., & Shoham, V. (2002).  Family systems therapy for alcohol abuse.  In S. Hofmann & M.C. Tompson (Eds.), Handbook of psychosocial treatments for severe mental disorders.  New York: Guilford Publications.


