Sample Exam


You will have to answer three short essays and you will receive a choice of 6 questions.


Make sure that you draw on the readings and refer to actual events/personalities/institutions.


Here is an example of the kind of questions you can expect.


  1. What are the core issues raised in the British debate on European integration?



  1. What were the immediate reasons for the political crisis of 1992 in Italy?


A good essay demonstrates a good mastery of the readings. Please do not rely on your class notes alone. Lectures

supplement and expand on the readings; they are no substitute for the readings. Be as specific as possible and organize your thoughts before you

write them down. You have 75 minutes to complete the exam. Allocate 25 minutes for each essay question. In those

25 minutes, you have time to jot down a brief outline of the main points. Then use the outline to construct an argument. Do not digress and stay with the main theme of the question. If I ask about the crisis of the 1990s in Italy do not discuss the 1970s. Such an answer is incorrect and will receive zero points.