Answer one of the following two questions. The answer should be around 5-7 pages long. Please remember to use citations when quoting information from other sources. Make sure to answer the question and define all terms. A good essay has an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. It is OK if you want to add your own opinion but remember to base your thoughts on the readings or materials we covered in class.


Due: On or before December 17 2004. I will be in my office Friday December 17 from 11 to 12. You can hand in the exam then. Alternatively, you can shove the exam under my door. Perhaps, you should also drop me an email telling me that you completed the assignment and that it is waiting for me in my office.


Read the questions carefully before researching your essay. Think which of these questions appeal to you more, and how to compose a good answer. You may want to sketch an outline of each question to discover which essay may be easier to complete.



  1. Use two competing theories and apply them to a major event or treaty agreement that took place in Europe. Your essay should evaluate which of the two theories carries greater explanatory power by examining a real event or advance/failure in European integration (please take an example from post-1970s). When answering this question, first describe the main features of each theory and how they relate/contrast. Next introduce your case study and finally apply the theories to analyze the outcome of the case studies.  A good essay shows an understanding of the theories and a mastery of the case study!



  1. Identify and describe the external events and developments that gave rise the SEA and TEU. In your answer differentiate between the two time periods and summarize the situation in Europe at that time. Next, use that information to explain how the SEA and TEU addressed new emerging issues and what kind of solutions they provided. In the conclusion, assess of whether each treaty (or new program initiatives) were successful on balance in dealing with the challenges identified by chiefs of government and important interest groups. A good essay differentiates between minor and major events and implicitly establishes connections between the economic, political, security, social developments described in your essay and renewed efforts to revive European integration.