The following page provides information about course projects and evaluation criteria for those projects. You are encouraged to talk with me about the development of your course projects and your standing in the course.

course facilitation project--collaborative (45%)

spatial & visual installation project
--individual (55%)

In the course facilitation project, you and a peer will facilitate one of our class meetings.The primary goal for facilitation is to stimulate productive discussion of the course readings and their implications. Thus, class activities should focus on issues raised by the readings and create opportunities for all members of the course to contribute. Small group work, mini-workshops, larger class discussion of your particular example are encouraged.

preparatory conference
One week prior to your course facilitation day, you and your peer will meet to share first drafts of your agenda. In advance of the meeting, you and your peer should read all the course readings, locate a potential example(s), start writing down issues you want to raise in your facilitation, and begin mapping out an agenda for the class day.

On the day before our conference, you should email me: 1) your potential example(s) and 2) a Word file draft of your course facilitation agenda.

email to listserv
By 10am on the Monday before your class facilitation day, you and your peer should email our class listserv with the issues you want us to consider for your facilitation day. If you want us to bring anything to class as part of an activity you are preparing, you also should let us know at that time. You also can tell us a little bit about the agenda for the day.

course facilitation agenda
The day of your facilitation, you will provide your agenda at the beginning of class. This 1-2 page single-spaced agenda should include the following information: brief overview of the day's agenda, listing of the issues you want us to consider for the day, context of the example(s) you are sharing with us
, and background information about the authors of the readings. Using this agenda as a point of reference, rather than a script, you will initiate and facilitate our discussion of the assigned readings and your example. Remember you can include a range of pedagogical practices such as break out groups, hands-on activities, or other classroom methods to encourage participation.

spatial-visual example(s)
To help us engage the readings and your activity for the day, you will give us example(s) that illustrates a particular issue in the readings. You can use your example(s) to prompt discussion or even as part of another class activity. To find example(s), you can draw from a variety of contexts and formats. Just make certain to select something that you feasibly can share with class. For example, you can provide copies of a text or image, photos or video of a physical space, access to a virtual space, a representative portion or replica of an artifact, etc. Remember if you need us to have technology access you must plan for this access weeks before your facilitation day.

Your facilitation of discussion will be evaluated based on your level of preparedness, the quality of your agenda, appropriateness of your example(s), thoroughness of your attention to the readings, and your commitment to engaging others.

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Installations are art works that explore the concept of space. I am using the term to draw on the explicit relationship between visual and spatial experiences. Your installation projects need not be framed merely through aesthetic ideals (rhetorical, philosophical, methodological, and other ideals apply as well). In fact, your installation project can, and should, explore a meaningful tension that comes from our course readings. This project asks you to articulate a problematic, issues, question through a media other than, or in addition to, text. Many of the authors argue that text is one way of making meaning, of exploring the world. The installation project is your opportunity to construct a visual-spatial articulation of the issues that seem most intriguing to you. Because this project asks for individual exploration, you and I will work together to define the project. The project components include a preparatory conference, the installation itself, a statement, and previewing and final showing of the projects.

preparatory conference
Early to mid-semester, I will schedule 20-30 minute conferences with each of you. These conferences will be an opportunity for us to discuss an installation project. You should come to the meeting with possible ideas about the project you want to create. Be ready to talk about the concept or idea you want to explore, the audience you want to address, the purpose of the project, and the way you will actual go about producing the project.

Your installation project should be able to be viewed/experienced in a classroom on campus. Depending upon the range of projects proposed, I will seek out an appropriate venue. I suggest that you speak with me early in your brainstorming if your ideas for an installation project seem to need particular accommodations. In addition to thinking of the viewing aspect of the project, you also should consider materials--what resources are you going to use to construct your project? What technologies will you need? Then, consider your own expertise and ability to work in a certain medium. Are there workshops that you want to take to learn more about a particular medium or technique? To help prompt your thinking, you can build a project such as constructing a model of a particular space (perhaps your "ideal" classroom space), create a monument (a day of the dead alter or a memorial of some kind), develop a video, create a web site/space, construct a pedagogical space (virtual or electronic), among the many, many options.

Your brief statement should discuss 1) the problematic or issue you were wanting to address in your installation project, 2) your process to produce the project (why did you chose the particular medium? what materials did you use?), 3) your research agenda and broader work in the field. The statement also should include your professional bio. Your first draft of the statement is due on April 21st, our class installation preview. The final draft is due at the installation showing. As a class, we will determine specific formatting guidelines for the statement.

installation preview
One week before our installation showing, we will have a class preview of the installation projects. During this class meeting, we will work on a studio model. Each of you will bring your work-in-progress, and we all will offer feedback. In order to gain the most from the preview, some of us will circulate and offer insights as others will actually be working on their projects.

installation showing
On Thursday, April 28th, we will host an installation showing. Depending upon room and scheduling constraints, which we will discuss as a class, the showing may be moved from our traditional classroom space and time to a better suited venue. We will talk about the logistics early in the planning stages of the project.

Your installation project will be evaluated based on your level of preparedness, your engagement with the issues that your installation project addresses, the audience and purpose that you outline for your project, participation in the preview and showing aspects of the project, and your the quality of your statement. As individual students work with me on the planning of the project, we also will articulate specific criteria for your project based upon the medium and issues with which you are working.

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last updated 1.7.5

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