Professional Writing Theory & Practice
contact_information The aim of this course is to introduce issues of research and scholarship within the area of professional writing. This introduction will be based upon inquiry into the terms, theories, methodologies, and histories of professional writing. As an area of growing interest to the rhetoric and composition community, professional writing offers a rich territory for our exploration. Consider our possible investigations of workplace communication studies; the teaching of business, technical, and scientific writing; technology and its influence on communication practices; visual and spatial rhetorics; relationships between the university and corporate communities; and the development and administration of undergraduate and graduate professional writing programs.

Drawing on a range of interdisciplinary texts, we will investigate the discourses and practices of professional writing. Students will keep a reading journal and offer discussion questions for class meetings. In both f2f and online discussion formats, we will work through the pedagogical and theoretical implications of our course readings on our work as teachers, administrators, and scholars. To build on this emphasis, students will produce a pedagogical project offering a description and rationale for a specific professional writing assignment, course plan, or vision for professional writing program development. In addition, students will create a researched seminar paper investigating an area of professional writing.

last updated 1.4.02
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