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Parlor Press Donations

ALL Current and Forthcoming Books in the Reference Guides to Rhetoric and Composition Series
rhetoric_composition_series Edited by Charles Bazerman.
The first release, Invention in Rhetoric and Composition by Janice M. Lauer, was published in January 2004. There are presently 10 more books contracted for the series, with more to follow those, appearing roughly at the pace of three per year. Titles include the following, each by major scholars in the field: Argument in Composition, Basic Writing, Collaborative Learning in Composition Studies, Community Literacy, Expressive Writing, Genre, Revision, Rhetorical Tradition in Composition, Writing across the Curriculum, and Writing Program Administration.

The winning bidder will receive the paperback editions of all books published in the series for its lifetime, with a retail value of at minimum $330.00 for just the first books due in the series.

For more details, visit

Donated by David Blakesley, Founder and Publisher of Parlor Press
Purdue University

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Rhetorics, Poetics, and Cultures: Refiguring College English Studies
, Expanded Edition
rhetorics_poetics_cultures Edited by Patricia Sullivan and Catherine Hobbs, Rhetorics, Poetics, and Cultures is James Berlin’s most comprehensive effort to refigure the field of English Studies. Here, in his last book, Berlin both historically situates and recovers for today the tools and insights of rhetoric—displaced and marginalized, he argues, by the allegedly disinterested study of aesthetic texts in the college English department. Berlin sees rhetoric as offering a unique perspective on the current disciplinary crisis, complementing the challenging perspectives offered by postmodern literary theory and cultural studies. Taking into account the political and intellectual issues at stake and the relation of these issues to economic and social transformations, Berlin argues for a pedagogy that makes the English studies classroom the center of disciplinary activities, the point at which theory, practice, and democratic politics intersect. This new educational approach, organized around text interpretation and production—not one or the other exclusively, as before—prepares students for work, democratic politics, and consumer culture today by providing a revised conception of both reading and writing as acts of textual interpretation; it also gives students tools to critique the socially constructed, politically charged reality of classroom, college, and culture.

This new edition of Rhetorics, Poetics, and Cultures includes JAC response essays by Linda Brodkey, Patricia Harkin, Susan Miller, John Trimbur, and Victor J. Vitanza, as well as an afterword by Janice M. Lauer. These essays situate Berlin’s work in personal, pedagogical, and political contexts that highlight the continuing importance of his work for understanding contemporary disciplinary practice.

For more details, visit

Donated by David Blakesley, Founder and Publisher of Parlor Press
Purdue University

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Orlando Innamorato
orlando_innamorato Matteo Maria Boiardo, translated with an introduction and notes by Charles Stanley Ross.

Like Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso and Tasso’s Jerusalem Delivered, Boiardo’s chivalric stories of lords and ladies first entertained the culturally innovative court of Ferrara in the Italian Renaissance. Inventive, humorous, inexhaustible, the story recounts Orlando’s love-stricken pursuit of “the fairest of her Sex, Angelica” (in Milton’s terms) through a fairyland that combines the military valors of Charlemagne’s knights and their famous horses with the enchantments of King Arthur’s court.

Today it seems more than ever appropriate to offer a new, unabridged edition of Boiardo’s Orlando Innamorato, the first Renaissance epic about the common customs of, and the conflicts between, Christian Europe and Islam. Having extensively revised his earlier translation for general readers, Charles Ross has added headings and helpful summaries to Boiardo’s cantos. Tenses have been regularized, and terms of gender and religion have been updated, but not so much as to block the reader’s encounter with how Boiardo once viewed the world.

For more details, visit

Donated by David Blakesley, Founder and Publisher of Parlor Press
Purdue University

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Letters from Kenneth Burke to William H. Rueckert, 1959-1987
letters_from_burke Edited by William H. Rueckert.
Transcribed from the originals by Barbara L. Rueckert.
Foreword by Angelo Bonadonna.

Burke is back. This publication in print and digital formats of previously unpublished writings of Kenneth Burke is an event not just for Burke studies but for the wider community of readers interested in understanding the "progress" of literature, literary theory, culture, rhetoric, and philosophy in the late twentieth-century.

Burke has profoundly influenced in one way or another a long list of major literary theorists, poets, novelists, linguists, and rhetoricians. They include Harold Bloom, Wayne Booth, Paul De Man, Hugh Duncan, Ralph Ellison, Dell Hymes, Richard Kostelanetz, Frank Lentricchia, Andrea Lunsford, Howard Nemerov, Edward Said, Victor Vitanza, Hayden White, and William Carlos Williams.

These letters show the development of Burke’s thought in the last thirty or so years of his life, when he remained remarkably productive not only as a correspondent but as a critic and traveling scholar. Rueckert became for Burke both student and “co-conspirator,” with Burke himself playing the roles of teacher, mentor, father, and peer. While Burke corresponded for many years with Malcolm Cowley, William Carlos Williams, Hugh Duncan, and others, with Rueckert, we see him writing to someone who may have understood and appreciated his work more than anyone. These letters often probe deeper, with less explanation and defensiveness, more inquiry and reflection. As one might expect among like-minded peers, we also see sharp critiques of contemporaries, including theorists who have had enormous influence of their own, including Marshall McLuhan and Fredric Jameson.

For more details, visit

Donated by David Blakesley, Founder and Publisher of Parlor Press
Purdue University

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Invention in Rhetoric and Composition
invention_in_rhet_comp Janice Lauer's Invention in Rhetoric and Composition examines issues that have surrounded historical and contemporary theories and pedagogies of rhetorical invention, citing a wide array of positions on these issues in both primary rhetorical texts and secondary interpretations. It presents theoretical disagreements over the nature, purpose, and epistemology of invention and pedagogical debates over such issues as the relative importance of art, talent, imitation, and practice in teaching discourse. After a discussion of treatments of invention from the Sophists to the nineteenth century, Invention in Rhetoric and Composition introduces a range of early twentieth-century multidisciplinary theories and calls for invention’s awakening in the field of English studies. It then showcases inventional theories and pedagogies that have emerged in the field of Rhetoric and Composition over the last four decades, including the ensuing research, critiques, and implementations of this inventional work. As a reference guide, the text offers a glossary of terms, an annotated bibliography of selected texts, and an extensive bibliography.

For more details, visit

Donated by David Blakesley, Founder and Publisher of Parlor Press
Purdue University

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Faulkner from Within: Destructive and Generative Being in the Novels of William Faulkner
Faulkner from Within: Destructive and Generative Being in the Novels of William Faulkner is the culmination of William H. Rueckert’s lifetime of study of this great American novelist. Rueckert tracks Faulkner’s development as a novelist through eighteen novels—ranging from Flags in the Dust to The Reivers—to show the turn in Faulkner from destructive to generative being, from tragedy to comedy, from pollution to purification and redemption. At the heart of Faulkner from Within is Rueckert’s sustained treatment of Go Down, Moses, a turning point in Faulkner’s career away from the destructive selves of the earlier novels and—as first manifest in Ike McCaslin—toward the generative selves of his later work. Faulkner from Within is a wide-ranging, beautifully written appreciation and analysis of the imaginative life of a great American author and his complex work.

For more details, visit

Donated by David Blakesley, Founder and Publisher of Parlor Press
Purdue University

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

The Country of Lost Sons
Jeffrey Thomson’s second collection of poems, The Country of Lost Sons, investigates the narrative environment of childhood, especially the way violence is inscribed on children through myth, culture, and legend. The poems trace the growth of the author’s young son (his vulnerability and equal potential for violence) across a landscape of rewritten myth and narrative. From the Trojan War (bracketed as it is by the deaths of two children, Iphegenia and Astyanax) through the Biblical accounts of Job, Jeremiah, and Jephthah to the modern tragedies of the war in Kosovo, AIDS, and the contemporary culture of violence, the poems build to a culmination of fear that is only tempered by love, grace, and the redemptive power of storytelling itself.

In the midst of so many fast-talking contemporary poetry books comes Jeffrey Thomson’s lovely The Country of Lost Sons. Here is a book that chooses tender, meditative music over electric chatter. Here are the poems that tell us poetry can still explore and heal earnestly. More than praise, I want to offer gratitude for such an intimate book. After reading it, you will want to offer gratitude too. — Terrance A. Hayes

For more details, visit

Donated by David Blakesley, Founder and Publisher of Parlor Press
Purdue University

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Effective Writing: A Handbook with Stories for Lawyers
effective_writing By John Phelps Warnock with Harold C. Warnock, Effective Writing offers specific advice on how to write effectively the many kinds of writing lawyers do in actual practice. It considers what makes writing effective in letters of various kinds, forms, bills, the many kinds of writing done through the trial, writing for an appeal, contracts, and writing for wills and trusts. The last chapter addresses how to rewrite to promote more effective thinking and how to rewrite for the reader, going beyond the usual considerations of correct or “plain” style to address what constitutes effective word choice, sentence structure, organization, citation and quotation in real contexts. The book is seasoned with “sidebars”—brief stories about legal writing from many judges, lawyers, and other writers-- that help to bring the world of legal writing alive. This book is the product of a collaboration between a distinguished lawyer and a professor of English (Rhetoric and Writing).

For more details, visit

Donated by David Blakesley, Founder and Publisher of Parlor Press
Purdue University

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

The Terministic Screen: Rhetorical Perspectives on Film
terministic_screen Edited by David Blakesley.

The Terministic Screen: Rhetorical Perspectives on Film offers readers who have interests or specialities in rhetorical analysis a point of entry into contemporary cinema as it frames issues of style, representation, history, and culture. Although the literature on cinema is vast, relatively few books have adopted an explicitly rhetorical emphasis. Thus, this volume fills a long-neglected gap in the scholarly literature on film.”

—Stephen Prince, author of Movies and Meaning: An Introduction to Film

The Terministic Screen: Rhetorical Perspectives on Film examines the importance of rhetoric in the study of film and film theory. Rhetorical approaches to film studies have been widely practiced, but rarely discussed until now. Taking on such issues as Hollywood blacklisting, fascistic aesthetics, and postmodern dialogics, editor David Blakesley presents fifteen critical essays that examine rhetoric’s role in such popular films as The Fifth Element, The Last Temptation of Christ, The Usual Suspects, Deliverance, The English Patient, Pulp Fiction, The Music Man, Copycat, Hoop Dreams and A Time to Kill.

Hard cover edition.

For more details, visit

Donated by David Blakesley, Founder and Publisher of Parlor Press
Purdue University

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Book Donations

Passions, Pedagogies, and 21st Century Technologies


Edited by Gail E. Hawisher and Cynthia L. Selfe, Passions, Pedagogies, and 21st Century Technologies is one of the most influential computers and composition collections. With 23 chapters written by prominent members of the field, Passions is a must for any scholar interested in technology and the writing classroom.
Own this like new copy—no underlining or other marking. Soft cover.

Donated by Amy C. Kimme Hea
University of Arizona

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.


TnT: Texts and Technology
TnT_texts_and_technology Edited by Janice R. Walker and Ollie O. Oviedo, TnT: Texts and Technology includes 13 articles by some of the most forward-thinking scholars in the field, and a foreword by Jay David Bolter.

Own this brand new copy! (Janice will even autograph it if you ask her nicely). Hard cover edition.

Donated by Janice R. Walker
Georgia Southern University

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

The Center Will Hold: Critical Perspectives on Writing Center Scholarship
center_will_hold Edited by Michael Pemberton and Joyce Kinkead, this edited collection from Utah State University Press is a major volume of essays on the signal issues of scholarship that have established the writing center field and that the field must successfully address in the coming decade.

Donated by Michael Pemberton
Georgia Southern University

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

The Formation of College English Rhetoric and Belles Lettres in the British Cultural Provinces
formation_of_college_english Co-Winner of the 1998 MLA Mina P. Shaughnessy Prize

"Presents detailed original research into the social and intellectual histories of rhetoric and composition. Beginning with the earliest teachers and students of English in the eighteenth century, Miller gives us significant insights into the complex and over determined workings of cultural hegemony. . . . His argument shows how rhetorical and literary education in eighteenth and nineteenth century English provinces resulted from philosophical, social, cultural, and political vectors. . . . "--MLA

Own this brand-new (still shrink wrapped) hard cover edition.

Donated by Thomas P. Miller
University of Arizona

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Preparing College Teachers of Writing: Histories, Theories, Programs, Practices
preparing college teachers of writing Edited by Betty P. Pytlik and Sarah Liggett, this collection discusses histories, theories, program structures, and practices of TA preparation programs. With contributors from twenty-nine different institutions, represent significant geographic and demographic diversity, the work addresses the most recent topics in the field: mentoring, reflective practices, evaluation of teaching strategies and student writing, and job preparation.

Own this brand-new soft cover edition.

Donated by Theresa Enos
University of Arizona

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

The Informed Argument
informed_argument By Robert P. Yagelski, Robert Keith Miller, Amy J. Crouse-Powers (Contributor) Praised for the way it introduces students to the elements of argument, the sixth edition offers more complete coverage of the Toulmin model, a new focus on problem solving, and a section on visual argument.

Own this brand-new, instructor's soft cover edition.

Donated by Theresa Enos
University of Arizona

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Tracing Genres through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information Design
tracing_genres_through_organizations Clay Spinuzzi examines the everyday improvisations by workers who deal with designed information and shows how understanding this impromptu creation can improve information design. He argues that the traditional user-centered approach to design does not take into consideration the unofficial genres that spring up as workers write notes, jot down ideas, and read aloud from an officially designed text.

Own this brand-new hard cover edition.

Donated by Stuart Selber
Penn State University

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

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Technology Donations

Fellowes Cordless Optical Mouse
optical_mouse Fellowes Cordless Optical Mouse with rechargeable batteries MODEL 99197 GENTLY USED

Size: 1.25"h x 2.38"w x 3.88"d
Weight: 0.75 lbs

USB connectivity
2 AAA rechargeable batteries included
Fellowes EasyPoint CD driver included
Compatible with Windows® 98SE, 2000, ME & XP

Anonymous Donor.

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.
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Aloha Donations

Vintage Men's Aloha Shirt Paradise Found Brand, Made in Hawaii
hawaii_shirt Men's vintage all cotton grey with blue plumeria flowers and blue and white leaves. Medium.

Donated by Judi Kirkpatrick
University of Hawai'i /Kapi'olani Community College

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Vintage Men's Aloha Shirt Cooke Street Honolulu, Made in Hawaii
hawaii_shirt Men's vintage all cotton yellow green and white, tropical
patterned sea and leaves. Great condition with wooden buttons. Medium.

Donated by Judi Kirkpatrick
University of Hawai'i /Kapi'olani Community College

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Vintage Men's Aloha Shirt Cooke Street Honolulu, Made in Hawaii
hawaii_shirt Men's vintage green and purple background with petroglyph motif. Medium.

Donated by Judi Kirkpatrick
University of Hawai'i /Kapi'olani Community College

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Vintage Men's Aloha Shirt Town and Country Surf Brand, Made in Hawaii
hawaii_shirt Men's vintage polyester green background with pale orange polynesian flowers and decoration. Coconut shell buttons. Medium.

Donated by Judi Kirkpatrick
University of Hawai'i /Kapi'olani Community College

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Vintage Men's Aloha Shirt Diamond Head Sportswear, Made in Hawaii
hawaii_shirt Men's vintage all cotton bright yellow with black Hawaiian
motif, breadfruit, poi pounders, wooden buttons. Medium.

Donated by Judi Kirkpatrick
University of Hawai'i /Kapi'olani Community College

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Vintage Men's Aloha Shirt Tori Richard's Brand, Made in Hawaii
hawaii_shirt Men's vintage all cotton brown with Hawaiian decorative
motif. X-Large.

Donated by Judi Kirkpatrick
University of Hawai'i /Kapi'olani Community College

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Vintage Men's Aloha Shirt Moana Shirt Company, Made in Hawaii
hawaii_shirt Men's vintage all cottonbright blue with hibiscus and
plumeria and Hono (turtle) markings in cream. Coconut buttons. Medium.

Donated by Judi Kirkpatrick
University of Hawai'i /Kapi'olani Community College

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Vintage Women's Hilo Hattie Hawaiian Original Brand, Made in Hawaii
hawaii_shirt Women's vintage cotton/polyester beige with ginger and lauhala leaves. Small.

Donated by Judi Kirkpatrick
University of Hawai'i /Kapi'olani Community College

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Vintage Women's Hilo Hattie Hawaiian Original Brand, Made in Hawaii
hawaii_shirt Women's Vintage cotton/ blue with large pink and yellow
flowers. Large.

Donated by Judi Kirkpatrick
University of Hawai'i /Kapi'olani Community College

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Vintage Women's Pacific Heights Hawaii Original Brand, Made in Hawaii
hawaii_shirt Women's Vintage cotton/ blue withpale purple Hawaiian quilt patterned decoration. Medium.

Donated by Judi Kirkpatrick
University of Hawai'i /Kapi'olani Community College

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Vintage Ipana Casuals Hawaii Original Brand, Made in Hawaii
Women's vintage cotton/ pink with Hawaiian leaves. Medium.

Donated by Judi Kirkpatrick
University of Hawai'i /Kapi'olani Community College

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Vintage Women's Hula Hawaiian Lands Original Brand, Made in Hawaii
hawaii_shirt Women's vintage green cotton shirt with yellow and white
Hawaiian leaves and flowers. Medium.

Donated by Judi Kirkpatrick
University of Hawai'i /Kapi'olani Community College

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Hawaiian Kukuinut and Seed Lei
nut_lei Beautiful Hawaiian long lasting lei made from the seed
of a kukui tree. Usually they are shiny black, but this one is a deep tan
color, surrounded with other small seed trim.

Donated by Judi Kirkpatrick
University of Hawai'i /Kapi'olani Community College

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Hawaiian Coconut Purse (1)
coconut_purse Purse of polished coconut shells, zippered closure,
lined with Hawaiian cotton print. Long cord. Stylish, hearty, and

Donated by Judi Kirkpatrick
University of Hawai'i /Kapi'olani Community College

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Hawaiian Coconut Purse (1)
coconut_purse Purse of polished coconut shells, zippered closure,
lined with Hawaiian cotton print. Long cord. Stylish, hearty, and

Donated by Judi Kirkpatrick
University of Hawai'i /Kapi'olani Community College

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

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Fun Donations

Dog Eat Dog CD (3)
The Michael Ross Quartet.  (See their Web site at  If you're a jazz fan, this is a must for your collection.  Definitely not light!  Featuring Michael Ross on bass, David Pate on tenor and soprano saxophones and bass clarinet, Walt Hubbard on drums, and LaRue Nickelson on electric and acoustic guitars.

Brand new!

Donated by LaRue Nickelson
University of South Florida

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Honeywell Air Freshener
air_freshner Top of the line air freshener made by Honeywell.
Hardly used.

Donated by Judi Kirkpatrick
University of Hawai'i /Kapi'olani Community College

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Digital Island Tote Bag
duffle_bag Never used, 20" x 10" x 10" tough carryall bag.

Donated by Judi Kirkpatrick
University of Hawai'i /Kapi'olani Community College

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Timberland Hiking Boots (10M)  
timberland_boots Timberland rugged boots. Never worn. Size 10M

Donated by Judi Kirkpatrick
University of Hawai'i /Kapi'olani Community College

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Colorful Fish Throw Rug
fish_rug Colorful rag rug made for tropical ambiance.

Donated by Judi Kirkpatrick
University of Hawai'i /Kapi'olani Community College

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Small Ice Bucket
small_ice_bucket Small ice bucket for your small bar. Never used.

Donated by Judi Kirkpatrick
University of Hawai'i /Kapi'olani Community College

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

Kick Boxing Equipment
kick_boxing Gloves, pads, carrying bag from a kit. Made by Revgear. Like new.

Donated by Judi Kirkpatrick
University of Hawai'i /Kapi'olani Community College

Exceptional deal for the buyer: ALL shipping costs are covered by the donor.

parlor press donations
| book donations | technology donations | aloha donations | fun donations