Semantic priming

<n 32> <fd 36> <id keyboard> <cr> <d 20> <s 16> <fbp 0>
<! Sample script for a semantic priming experiment
using lexical decision.

Parameter Line:

<n 32>  Number of items
<f 36>    The default frame duration is 36 video ticks
<id keyboard> The input device is the keyboard.
<cr>  continuous running. The display automatically continues to the next item with a delay specified by the d parameter, stopping only when it reaches an instruction.
<s 16>  The scramble block size is 16.
<fbp 0> Feedback to subject of time taken has 0 decimals. Feedback could be suppressed by inserting <nfb> on the parameter line.

Layout of items:

There are 32 test items, arranged in groups of 8 with each experimental condition represented equally often in each block.  With <s 16> specified, the scramble routine will take the first 16 items, scramble their order, then the next 16, etc., and then will scramble the order of the blocks.

Presentation details:

Following the fixation point (++), a blank screen is displayed for the default frame duration (indicated by a blank frame, i.e., / /). The next frame contains the prime, which is displayed for 18 ticks (as indicated by %18).  Inserted between the prime and the target is a blank screen lasting for 12 ticks. After the target item has been displayed for 36 ticks, a blank frame is displayed for 36 ticks. If the target is to remain on the screen until the subject makes a response (response contingent erasure), then the final blank frame should be omitted (i.e., remove the final frame delimiter).

The display font is Courier New 12 point bold.  This can be changed by selecting the entire file in Word and choosing a new font.>  $

$0 "Press the space bar to begin.";
0 "Press the YES button, if", @1 "the letter string forms a WORD";
0 "Press the NO button, if" , @1 "the letter string does NOT form a WORD";
0 "The following are for practice.";
-250 "++"/  /  %18"fine"/  %12 / * "EDUL"/  ;
+250 "++"/  /  %18"river"/  %12 / * "WATER"/  ;
+250 "++"/  /  %18"tear"/  %12 / * "HEEL"/  ;
-250 "++"/  /  %18"fresh"/  %12 / * "WOOVE"/  ;
+250 "++"/  /  %18"gold"/  %12 / * "SILVER"/  ;
-250 "++"/  /  %18"supply"/  %12 / * "POOTHE"/  ;
+250 "++"/  /  %18"self"/  %12 / * "SELF"/  ;
+250 "++"/  /  %18"coffee"/  %12 / * "TEA"/  ;
-250 "++"/  /  %18"prince"/  %12 / * "REFEND"/  ;
-250 "++"/  /  %18"center"/  %12 / * "DISPUN"/  ;
0 "Practice over.  Please continue.";$
+1 "++"/  /  %18"slow"/  %12 / * "FAST"/  ;
+27 "++"/  /  %18"needle"/  %12 / * "THREAD"/  ;
+53 "++"/  /  %18"library"/  %12 / * "LIBRARY"/  ;
+79 "++"/  /  %18"toast"/  %12 / * "JAM"/  ;
-105 "++"/  /  %18"aback"/  %12 / * "IMPOL"/  ;
-131 "++"/  /  %18"due"/  %12 / * "NIM"/  ;
-157 "++"/  /  %18"brandy"/  %12 / * "INDOW"/  ;
-183 "++"/  /  %18"rest"/  %12 / * "VAUL"/  ;
+2 "++"/  /  %18"on"/  %12 / * "OFF"/  ;
+28 "++"/  /  %18"bacon"/  %12 / * "EGGS"/  ;
+54 "++"/  /  %18"ancient"/  %12 / * "ANCIENT"/  ;
+80 "++"/  /  %18"pencil"/  %12 / * "PAPER"/  ;
-106 "++"/  /  %18"ability"/  %12 / * "UMATION"/  ;
-132 "++"/  /  %18"dust"/  %12 / * "KELK"/  ;
-158 "++"/  /  %18"latin"/  %12 / * "THREP"/  ;
-184 "++"/  /  %18"sea"/  %12 / * "FIM"/  ;
+3 "++"/  /  %18"stop"/  %12 / * "GO"/  ;
+29 "++"/  /  %18"bread"/  %12 / * "BUTTER"/  ;
+55 "++"/  /  %18"message"/  %12 / * "MESSAGE"/  ;
+81 "++"/  /  %18"hammer"/  %12 / * "NAIL"/  ;
-107 "++"/  /  %18"active"/  %12 / * "DRIDGE"/  ;
-133 "++"/  /  %18"eight"/  %12 / * "MATIC"/  ;
-159 "++"/  /  %18"less"/  %12 / * "BREK"/  ;
-185 "++"/  /  %18"rattle"/  %12 / * "FRETCH"/  ;
+4 "++"/  /  %18"above"/  %12 / * "BELOW"/  ;
+30 "++"/  /  %18"church"/  %12 / * "PRIEST"/  ;
+56 "++"/  /  %18"drink"/  %12 / * "DRINK"/  ;
+82 "++"/  /  %18"hand"/  %12 / * "FOOT"/  ;
-108 "++"/  /  %18"add"/  %12 / * "SAL"/  ;
-134 "++"/  /  %18"front"/  %12 / * "HEPER"/  ;
-160 "++"/  /  %18"lie"/  %12 / * "NUD"/  ;
-186 "++"/  /  %18"sense"/  %12 / * "BLICTER"/  ;
$0  "Thank you, that's the end.";$