About Me

Job Title:
Associate Professor
Department of East Asian Studies, College of Humanities
The University of Arizona

Major Fields:
Chinese religions, Chinese Buddhism, Chinese intellectual history

Teaching Responsibilities:
Worlds of Buddhism
Chinese Civilization
Buddhist Meditation
History of East Asian Buddhism
Research Methods and Historical Sources of Chinese Buddhism


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Welcome to my web site. I appreciate any comments and questions about my research and teaching. 

Recent Activities

“From the ‘Cult of the Book’ to the ‘Cult of the Canon’: a Neglected Tradition in Chinese Buddhism.” “Spreading Buddha’s Words in China: The Formation and Transformation of the Chinese Buddhist Canon,” First International Conference on the Chinese Buddhist Canon, Tucson, Arizona. May 26, 2011.

“What is Wrong or Right with the Lotus Sutra? On the Confucian Failure to Appreciate Religious Imagination.” 2011 International Seminar on the Lotus Sutra, organized by Rissho Koseikai, Kanagawa, Japan. Feb. 28—March 6, 2011.

“Shilun Yongzhengdi de Chanxue jiqi xiangguan zhuzuo” 試論雍正帝的禪學及其相關著作(On Yongzheng’s Chan Buddhism and his related works). The Complexities and Challenges of Rulership:Emperor Yongzheng and His Accomplishments in His Time (Weijunnan: Yongzheng qiren, qishi, jiqi shidai 為君難—雍正其人其事及其時代).  Taibei: National Palace Museum, 2010.

“Yongzheng de ‘Diwang chan.’” 雍正的“帝王禅”(The Royal Zen of Emperor Yongzheng.  The National Palace Museum Monthly of Chinese Art (Gugong wenwu 故宫文物), Issue no. 322, January 2010, pp. 84—98. 

“Geographical Analysis of Contemporary Chinese Buddhist 
Monasteries.”(“当代大陆佛寺的宗教地理学分析”), School of 
Philosophy, Renmin University, Beijing.  May 31, 2010
(Delivered in Chinese)

“Chinese Monks and Japanese Society: With Focus on Yinyuan Longqi and Early Edo Japan.”

(“中國禪僧與日本社會——以隱元隆琦與早期江戶時代的日本社會為中心), Japan Institute,
Nankai University, Tianjin. May 28, 2010. (Delivered in Chinese)
“Yonzheng’s Imperial Zen”(“雍正帝的帝王禅”). Department
of Philosophy, Nankai University, May 27, 2010. (Delivered in

“A Greater Vehicle to the Other Shore: Buddhism and Maritime Trade in the Seventeenth Century Fourth International Workshop of the Research Group "Monies, Markets, and Finance in China and East Asia, 1600-1900,"  University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany. April 14-16, 2010.

Contact Information

E-mail address: jiangwu@email.arizona.edu

Office phone: 520-626-0171

Mailing Address: Department of East Asian Studies, The University of Arizona, P. O. Box 210105, 1512 First Street, Tucson, AZ 85721.