Title of Game :FIXWD2MP v1.05 Type of Game :accessory to Duke3D BUILD WAD2MAP converter Operating Sys :DOS Uploader Email :jforster@u.arizona.edu Date Uploaded :06/21/96 Short Descrip. :used to fix things when WAD2MAP goes wrong Long Desc : FIXWD2MP v1.05 FIXWD2MP is designed to fix those HOM you sometimes get when using WAD2MAP to convert Doom WAD files to Duke3D MAP files. That and a few other useful things like changing all sprites from one tile to another, fixing all the doors tracks, sounds for doors and elevetors &c. It can also be used to paint walls, floors and ceilings that have that awful tile 0 that WAD2MAP did not do a good job with (assuming you don't want to edit DUKE.TXT). To use it you must use Build to examine the area with the HOM, then using TAB and ALT-TAB ascertain which walls have been assigned to the wrong sector. FIXWD2MP then can be used to assign them to the right sector. Included is a batch file I use to pre-process maps before touching them up by hand and a file of good textures for it to paint with. Run it with no args to get usage.