Jeremy Dietrich

First-year graduate student. Jeremy is working on non-redundant masking interferometry with the Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer, and using this capability to image young planets.

Ryan Boyden

First-year graduate student. Ryan is working on ALMA observations of large samples of protoplanetary disks, and modeling these data to determine the distributions of disk masses and other parameters.

Nick Ballering

Postdoc. Nick is developing tools to enable detailed radiative transfer modeling of large samples of young stellar objects. He is currently applying these tools to several richly clustered star forming regions.

Tyler Baines

Undergraduate student. Tyler is working on compiling and analyzing spectral energy generations for large samples of young stellar objects.

Stephanie Sallum

PhD, 2017. NSF Graduate Fellow. Steph worked on exoplanets and planet formation using adaptive optics and interferometry at optical/IR wavelengths with Magellan and the LBT. She is now an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow and Chancellor's Fellow at UC Santa Cruz. An ADS list of her papers can be viewed here.

Patrick Sheehan

PhD, 2017. NSF Graduate Fellow. Patrick studied star and planet formation using millimeter and radio interferometers, including CARMA, ALMA, and the JVLA. He is now a postdoctoral fellow, continuing his studies of young stellar objects at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. An ADS list of his papers can be viewed here.

Jordan Stone

PhD, 2015. Jordan wrote his thesis on several topics related to high contrast imaging. Using interferometry, adapative optics, spectroscopy, and photometry, he investigated high-mass exoplanetary and low-mass stellar companions, young stellar binaries, and matter around the supermassive black hole at the center of the Galaxy. Jordan is now a Hubble Fellow working on exoplanet imaging and spectroscopy at the LBT. An ADS list of his papers can be viewed here.

Tim Arnold

MS, 2013. For his Masters work Tim used mid-IR speckle interferometry data to model the structure of the transition disk TW Hya. He is currently an iOS software developer. An ADS list of his papers can be viewed here.

Stephanie Cortes

MS, 2011. Alfred P. Sloan American Indian Graduate Scholar. An ADS list of her papers can be viewed here.

Ben Kuhn

CAMPARE undegraduate student, 2015. Visiting from San Diego State University. Currently working on project studying spectroscopic variability in Be stars, to be presented at the 2016 AAS meeting.

Chris Macias

CAMPARE undegraduate student, 2013. Visiting from CalPoly Pomona (now graduated). Currently an astronomy graduate student at Indiana.

Austin Cole

CAMPARE undegraduate student, 2012. Visiting from CalPoly Pomona (now graduated).

Clint Hawkins

CAMPARE undegraduate student, 2011. Visiting from CalPoly Pomona (now graduated). Currently a Navy Officer and Nuclear Physicist.

Stephanie Zajac

CAMPARE undegraduate student, 2010. Visiting from CalPoly Pomona (now graduated). Went on to MS program at SUNY Stonybrook.