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"Ramblin' John"

John was a carefree guy (as are most male mods on SG). Being a lone wolf, he was free to do as he pleased, when he pleased. Riding his Harley across the country was one of those freedoms he was about to enjoy. It was going to be an upscale trip in that he wouldn't camp at the edge of the road, he'd stay at motels and buy what he needed along the way. Life was good.

John had just put 300 miles under his belt that day and made for the small motel up on the hill. The "Bates Motel" looked nice. He pulled the chopper up to the front of the managers office. It appeared that he was the only guest as the parking lot was empty. Good. No noise to worry about.

The manager of the hotel gave John the creeps. Not many guys can pull off wearing hip boots and a tank top and still look good, and this guy was not one of them. Still... John took a couple mental "fashion tips" and headed for his room.

It was a small room. It was a small room with rodents. It was a small room with rodents and one light bulb. Still... it was a bed and John was tired. Maybe a quick shower and he'd just go to bed. John removed his cloths and turned on the shower.

The manager (a guy named Norm) was sometimes called the DOSMaster. DOS stood for Dangerous Obtuse Stalker (and Norm was a "Master" at it). John had just jumped into the deep end of the stalking pool and there were sharks in the water.

Norm made his way to the secret room where he could "observe" John in the shower. (One moment please... I've got to fight down this vomit). Okay. I'm good.

John was about to step into the shower when he thought back to the strange looking manger. There was something odd about that guy. Sure... the hip boots and the halter top were strange but there was something else. John decided to "peep" on Norm just to be sure Norm didn't have other twisted quirks

On the way to the secret room, Norm was stopped by his mother (lets call her mother… but we all know it really MOD mouse). Mouse (I mean mother) was of the opinion that John should be eliminated as he represented all things "wrong" with society (and she didn't like his style as a SG mod). Norm agreed. Collecting a rather large kitchen knife, Norm made his way to John's door.

John (naked except for the biker boots) observed Norm talking to someone and quickly deduced that Norm was up to no good. It looked like a DoS attack about to happen. A denial of service (and John wanted to be serviced) had to be stopped. John came up behind Norm. Norm liked John coming up behind him. There was sexual tension in the air.

Suddenly… mother (remember… it’s really mouse) closed the thread… so we'll never know what happened.

The End