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"Ken, Ghost & Brembo"

Ken woke that morning in a real bad mood. It could have been the wife, it could have been the bad beer, or it could have been the speeding ticket last night on the way home from the party. Regardless… Ken was in a real bad mood.

Brembo was ready for that big contract meeting. He had his best shoes on… best pants… and as always (as was the custom) he did not have underwear on for big meetings. Brembo always did best when he felt like a “commando”. The wife also avoided him (as was the custom when Brembo went commando)

In an extremely fowl mood, Ken turned on the computer to once again be greeted by the “blue screen of death”. Man... one more time… and he was going to get a MAC. A pretty red one. Magnet in hand… he defragged the hard drive and up popped Win 3.1. Ken was back in action.

Ghost stepped into the shower and Cindy washed his back. Tina saw to his grooming need in the front. It took a lot of time to get Ghost clean. Terry dried Ghost off as he made his way to the dressing room. Kathy would see that he was dressed appropriately.

Brembo drove his Ferrari to the “Money Masters” building and the valet took the keys. Brembo handed him a $50 and moved to the front door. It felt good to go commando. He made is way to the elevator. Was he the only man in the elevator with 5 beautiful women? Luck was on his side.

Ken got the 16MB of RAM once again (for the 20th year) to come alive as he made is way to SG. As he splashed hot coffee on his legs (just missing the keyboard) he again cursed and the wife could be seen making it for the car. A good time to stay out of the house. Maybe she’d visit a friend. Yes… visit a friend.

Ghost (now fully serviced again and dressed) gazed out the back deck door onto the pool. It was good to be rich. Rich was good. Rich was very good and it was time to spend some of that wealth (on himself of course). Dizzy Darlene handed him his briefcase and off to the Lamborghini he went (Lamborghini on Mondays).

Brembo was amazed at his luck! 5 beautiful women in the same elevator! This was the perfect day to have a meeting because luck was on his side. One of the women bushed up against him. It was a small elevator. She “held” the brush against him. Brembo reacted (hey… he’s a normal guy!). He then heard… and felt the zipper on his pants give away. He had a runaway horse and the gate was broken.

Ken checked to see who was online and was disappointed to see the usual names. At the top… MadDoctor. Ghost and Brembo. Those saps were going to pay today. What arrogant dorks. Maybe he’d ban them all for the heck of it. Oh… what’s this… a new member??? Didn’t I ban that guy last night?

Ghost arrives at his office building and is greeted by the doorwoman. She wants him. She wants him real bad. He accommodated her.

Brembo has a big problem. The gate is open and the stallion is awake and ready to ride. The young lady pressed up against him notices the stallion. She doesn’t seem amused. She reaches for a can of pepper spray.

Ken (coffee burn still hurting like a kick to the groin) went right for the “ban” button. As he put the ban on Ghost… Ghost woke from his dream in need of a shower. Now awake… he cried out of despair as the dream disappeared (as dreams do when you wake).

Brembo woke from his dream with a cry of joy… and then an electrical shock… as he had fallen asleep on his keyboard and the drooled caused an electrical short.

Ken laughed like a mad man as he banned the MadDoctor.

MadDoctor woke from his silly dream when the mistress asked him if he’d like “another” (why yes… thank you, I would). What a strange dream the MadDoctor had had. Ken, Ghost and Brembo all in the same dream. He had to get a life… and spend less time on SG.

The End.