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"MadDoctor is Drunk"

David and Mouse had been lovers for year. Brembo didn’t know because Ken and YOS kept it secret. John had photos... but he was reluctant to post them as Chief of Staff had a bit of blackmail on him (cheap hooker, several years ago… he was young… doesn’t count as he was between lovers).

Mikemean thought he’d give mouse a try and venture into unknown waters but again Qwijib0 had failed to tell LukeMan that the ping pong paddle needed fine tuning before the big bowling match. Regardless poptom gave the “green light” and the cars took off like rockets.

It was a close race but drdoug99 said to himself that if that boss of his was going to chew him out one more time… he was going to ask CoolJ out on a date. CoolJ was secretly hoping that drdoug99 would ask him out as the photo’s they shared PM was exceptionally provocative. Grimson posted them on his web site. Playboy notices. The check was in the mail.

The_mp3_refuge was trying to figure out what in the heck the thread was about when poptom exploded into the room and said the marriage was off. BadEditor was floored. Was this the opening he had been waiting for? It appeared to be so. He jumped to his feet and announced in a loud voice that he was pregnant and Koribouros was the father [beaming]

S1lv3r was naked again. The leather chair fedish was getting out of hand. S1lv3r searched for another balloon to encrease the level of pleasure when poptom grabed the chainsaw and went for the refrigerator. Just how screwed up was poptom thought Koribouros. Oh wait… Koribouros is having an identity crisis. We’ll get back to that (maybe).

Brembo was still trying to figure out how David and Mouse could be lovers when he and David were lovers. Perhaps that explained the late night meetings and the “inability to perform” after those late nights. Brembo picked up the phone and ordered a pizza. Grimson answered the phone: “hello and welcome to ATTBI@at home. May I screw you again?

Bouncer was getting tired of this MadDoctor guy and PM’d Kip that it was time to hit the ban button. Ken got the message but misinterpreted the message and thought that Bouncer was asking for sex. “Oh boy! Time to look at applications for cabin boy". Philip was mildly amused and knew that in the end he held the cards. Unfortunatley… the game was low ball and Philip had a full house.

Mouse felt the wind blowing on her smooth flesh. She had lost her cloths and needed protection from the elements. SlicKsTufF2355 offered his hip boots. Mouse took them gladly and Dunster fired up the snow mobile. It was going to be a wonderful night at the beach. Somewhat confused… Roody wondered if he had perhaps dropped the wrong pill. The acid was in the green sugar cub… not the red.

Faust had been a lurker for some time. Yes… it was an issue but Faust was working on it. As the vodka neared the top of the glass EthanHunt16 suddenly remembered that the pizza guy would be at the door in seconds. Naked as a j-bird (work with me) she jumped for a towel and missed. The doorbell rang. She opened the door. The pizza man showed his appreciation. He got a great tip.

MadDoctor got up from the dinner table and headed to his office. It would be nice to get on Speed Guide and relax a bit. Oh wait… the wife was using his computer and he remembered that he forgot to sign off! Oh damn! With the speed of a rabbit with two broken legs and a cement hat… MadDoctor rushed to the computer. Too late! The wife was at the keyboard and she didn’t look happy.

I’m sorry. The person at this keyboard is no longer able to type. I broke all his fingers and other protruding objects (sad as they are).

Ms. MadDoctor