The research conducted in the Neuroscience of Emotion and Thought (NET) Lab, directed by Dr. Jessica Andrews-Hanna at the University of Arizona, is centered on understanding the mysteries of our inner mental lives – the thoughts, memories,
feelings and emotions that make us unique as individuals. We explore these
topics across levels of brain and behavior, drawing on techniques including
functional MRI, psychophysiology, and mobile experience sampling in daily
life. We study internally-guided cognition in young and older adults, and
in healthy individuals as well as those suffering from mental health
challenges. Ultimately, we hope our research might help people
harness the beneficial aspects of internally-guided cognition
and live happier, healthier lives.
Sabino Canyon by Dulcey Lima
In January 2017, lab director Jessica Andrews-Hanna re-located from the University of Colorado to the University of Arizona to start a new faculty position in the Department of Psychology and the Interdisciplinary Program in Cognitive Science at the University of Arizona.

If you are interested in working in the NET lab in beautiful sunny Tucson Arizona, please contact Jessica.