TIPS:  You don't need to argue points on this essay.  Use a colored highlighter or colored pen to mark texts for criteria (e.g., pink= statistics, blue=named studies).  This will save time when you go back to look for these criteria.

Types of cited evidence include:
citing authorities,
named studies,
unnamed experts or witnesses (not as good may be non-existent),
legal decisions, laws,
statements of organizations (e.g., UN charter). 
1) Intro. articles you found in search (distribution, ease of) 1) Intro. issue and state YOUR THESIS on issue
2) Look for STRUCTURE of essay 2) Note how source essays MAKE CASES
3) Read once for each criterion that applies 3) Note how essays document their ARGUMENTS
4) Make paragraphs either by CRITERIA or by ESSAY 4) Discuss the ARGUMENTS the essays make
5) No need to mention the issue very much 5) State which ARGUMENT(S) is/are more convincing 
6) Note when no essays use a certain criterion 6) Give minor credit to opposition ARGUMENTS
7) Conclude with summary of how credible articles were  7) Conclude with summary of YOUR  position
8) Label paragraphs clearly (what critieria? what article?) 8) Focus on CLAIMS and SUPPORTS
9) Look for CLAIMS and SUPPORTS for claims. 9) Note any time writer left out a case that hurt his or her claims.
10) Focus on WRITING structure, not content of articles. 10) Use quotations only to illustrate args of writer.
11) Use quotations ONLY to illustrate criteria. 11) Where quotations are long, you may summarize.