All readings will be made available at this web site. Readings can be read online or printed out, and all will be searchable. Each reading will be protected by a password, which will be given to you by the Writing Advisors.

Attendance is mandatory. Absences will be reflected in your final grade. Miss a conference or a peer group discussion is equivalent to missing a class.

Manuscript Preparation
We will discuss your writing in both large and small groups. All writing should typed and double-spaced. You will be responsible for generating copies (electronic or paper) for small group work as required. Finally, be sure to keep a copy of all your work in the event that your submitted copy is misplaced.

Your work in this course (written and spoken) will be evaluated by the course advisors. Grading criteria will address by each instructor. You are, of course, always free to ask for an explanation of any grade or comment you have received on your work.

All U. of A. students are responsible for upholding the Code of Academic Integrity, available through the office of the Dean of Students. Plagiarism is cheating yourself and someone else, and the consequences are severe: failure of the assignment, failure of the course, disciplinary referral to the Dean, and expulsion from the University are among the possible outcomes. Whenever you borrow a phrase, sentence, paragraph, or even an unusual word without giving credit to the originator, you have plagiarized. Even stating someone else's idea in your own words without giving the originator of the idea credit is plagiarism. If you have any questions about plagiarism, talk to one of the Writing Advisors.

Late Papers
Do not turn your papers in late unless you negotiate with me before the due date (never on the due date). Assignments turned in late will be marked down one full letter grade for each day they are late.

Required Work
Class attendance, in-class writing
assignments, and participation                   20 %
Interview-driven Project Proposal             10 %
Proposal Presentation                                  5 %
Annotated Bibliography                             15 %
Revised Project Proposal                           10 %
Final Research Project                               25 %
Final Project Report                                   15 %

At any time during the course, we may assign writing or presentation exercises that are related to the larger impending projects. These exercises will be due either at the end of the class in which they are assigned, or at the beginning of the next class session. It is your responsibility to know about these assignments and to submit them on time.

Much of this course will consist of discussion, debate, and analysis, all of which may occur in large or small groups. We ask you to respect varying points of view in the class, including when you are participating in conversations, exchanging e-mail, and commenting on other students' writing and presentations. It will be up to you to practice being considerate and honest simultaneously, a skill (which once mastered) will assist you greatly in your professional lives.

This document is subject to regular revision, addition, substitution, deletion, and other alterations warranted by class needs and semester demands. It's your responsibility to consult the electronic version of this syllabus regularly and keep informed about its changes.