air/space fighter (TL12)

Designed by Bruce Johnson

27.80 displacement ton disk streamlined; 240 tonnes; MCr 11.0
389 kL disk streamlined (13 m long x 13 m wide x 2.7 m high); Structure: 51.6 tonnes of crystaliron, rated for 15.0Gs, body 0.04 cm thick, sealed to 1 atm, 3 armour rating
75.3 MW TL12 Fusion Plus power plant; Fuel: 564 L of enriched water (564 kg), 24 hours supply
Propulsion System: 74.0 MW contragrav with 6 minutes emergency power; Maximum Speed: 12197 km/h; Range: 291562 km; Agility: -41DM (43.9G)
Crew roster: pilot; 1 crew station (1.5 cm of Crystaliron armour, rating 10)
Basic life support; Grav Compensation (6G), Only seating compensated
Missile, Heavy-1141 (27 exp)Very Long125+4DM, remote
Plasma Cannon, Lt Veh-1144 (11 exp)Extremely Long1000+4DM, remote
Missile, Heavy-1141 (27 exp)Very Long125+4DM, remote
Orbital Laser (10.00 kW, TL12, SmVcl)
Active Orbital Lidar (1.00 MW) Resolution: 0.050 mm per km of range
Passive Orbital Optical (10.00 kW, MilSpec) Resolution: 0.050 mm per km of range
Active Continental Jammer (100 kW, MilSpec) Resolution: 0.200 mm per km of range

A COACC Superiority fighter.

Designed with CSC (software ©Robert Prior, 1997)