Chevy Suburban 2010's (TL10)

Designed by Bruce Johnson

1.00 displacement ton box streamlined; 2.59 tonnes; kCr 52.0
14.0 kL box streamlined (3.7 m long x 1.9 m wide x 1.9 m high); Structure: 168 kg of fiber laminate, rated for 1.0Gs, body 0.15 cm thick, 1 armour rating
350 kW TL8 Turbine, MHD power plant; Fuel: 210 L of high-grade hcarb (210 kg), 6 hours supply
Propulsion System: 350 kW wheels; Maximum Speed: 170 km/h; Range: 1021 km; Agility: +3DM (0.2G)
Crew & Passengers:
Crew roster: driver; 1 crew station; 5 roomy passenger seats
Regional Radio (10 W, TL10, SmVcl)
No sensors installed.
Options: sunroof, entertainment centre
Safety Features: anti-theft system, Roadgrid, fire suppression system
trailer hitch for 10.0 tonnes; 1.61 kL of cargo space

What can I say...we'll still want monster trucks in the future, too, unless the insurance companies coerce us all into little boxes.

Designed with CSC (software ©Robert Prior, 1997)