Psychoanalysis & Cultural Theory:

Sex, Race & Psyche

GWS 645

Graduate Seminar

Dr. Adam Geary

Gender & Women’s Studies Department

Course Description:

  1. The seminar provides an in-depth introduction to psychoanalysis and its utilization in cultural theory.  The first half of the seminar is devoted to reading the work of Sigmund Freud.  We then explore the uptake of Freudian psychoanalysis within cultural studies of race, gender, sexuality and nation.  Particular attention will be paid to the work of Frantz Fanon and his critical interlocutors.

  1. Previous Syllabus and Course Schedule

Course Texts

  1. The following works by Sigmund Freud:

  2. 1. The Interpretation of Dreams, trans. James Strachey (Basic Books, 2010).

  3. 2. General Psychological Theory: Papers on Metapsychology (Simon & Schuster, 2008).

  4. 3. Three Case Histories: The Wolf Man, the Rat Man, and the Psychotic Doctor Schreber (Simon & Schuster, 1996).

  5. 4. Beyond the Pleasure Principle, trans. James Strachey (W. W. Norton & Co., 1990).

  6. 5. The Ego and the Id, trans. Joan Riviere (W. W. Norton & Co., 1990).

  7. 6. Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality (Basic Books, 2000).

  8. 7. Sexuality and the Psychology of Love (Simon & Schuster, 1997).

  9. 8.Frantz Fanon, Black Skin/White Masks, trans. Richard Philcox (Grove Press, 2008).

  10. Additional readings by Stuart Hall, Teresa de Lauretis, Hortense Spillers, Kobena Mercer, David Marriott, and others.