Chile Tile
Santa Fe 45th Annual Meeting

Photography by WRSA Staff Photographer, Doug Tom...  Thanks Doug!

N NM LandscapeSanta Fe house

Early arrivers enjoy a special luncheon organized by Lay and Janet Gibson in honor of WRSA Past President, Tony Bailly...

Bailly LuncheonTony Bailly at Luncheon in his honor
Wednesday afternoon, the conference's Opening Plenary Session...

Vest Opening SessionLee Reynis

Thursday morning, Early Bird Plenary Forum on Economic Development
with Sandy K. Baruah, U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development...

Forum participantsSandy Baruah

Thursday evening's WRSA Board and Past President's Reception in the Library at La Posada...

Board and Past President's Reception

Thursday evening's WRSA / Japan Section RSAI Dinner...

Japanese-WRSA Dinner

Friday's Annual Banquet Luncheon...

Annual Banquet Luncheon Head Table

Master of Ceremonies, Outgoing WRSA President, Lee Huskey   Lee Huskey

Springer Prize Presentation  Presentation Ceremony, 10th Annual Springer Prize
2006 Award Winner, Sarah Low, with ANNALS Coeditors (L-R) T. John Kim, Roger Stough, Borje Johansson, Euijune Kim

Presentation Ceremony, 20th Charles M. Tiebout Prize: Lee Huskey, Tiebout Winner, Rocco Huang, and Koichi Mera (Chair of 2005-2006 Reading Committee)...

Tiebout 20 Presentation

The 20th Anniversary of the Tiebout Prize is observed, with comments by Past President Ted Lane and V.P. Geoff Hewings...

Ted Lane speaking about Tiebout PrizeHewings calls on Past Winners

Incoming WRSA President, Jack Osman, delivers his Presidential Address...  and Hans Westlund discusses it...

Jack Osman Pres AddressDiscussant Westlund

And later that evening, the President's Reception is enjoyed by one and all...

President's Reception 1Presidents at President's Reception

And it's back to work for a final day of invited paper sessions Saturday.  Here's a closing scene from the Afternoon session  6G "Recreation, Tourism, and Regional Development"....    

Tourism Session

Chili Tile